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26 iSchool High at University Park Students Graduate with High School Diploma and Associate’s Degree pexels pixabay 267885 crop 4Education NewsFeaturediSchool HighThe DifferenceWhy iSchool

26 iSchool High at University Park Students Graduate with High School Diploma and Associate’s Degree

At ResponsiveEd, we proudly offer mastery-based programs through campuses like our iSchool High at University Park, which allow students to complete their coursework on a personally appropriate timeline and even…
Nichole Castagnino
June 2, 2023
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month Spotlight: iSchool of Lewisville Students Develop Solutions for NASA 274599470 1379988359102558 8500091775370358174 n 1Career and Technical Education (CTE)Education NewsFeaturediSchool HighWhy iSchool

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month Spotlight: iSchool of Lewisville Students Develop Solutions for NASA

A unique aspect of several of our ResponsiveEd campuses is the Career and Technical Education (CTE) options. Through these options, students receive job training, have opportunities to participate in paid…
Nichole Castagnino
February 21, 2023