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At ResponsiveEd, we are focused not only on the success of our students but on the achievements and growth of our talented educators leading the way. As we assemble the best collection of talent around to inspire and provide hope for students, we are honored to spotlight those already making a difference in the lives of our students across the district.

This week, we sat down with Lymaris Matias, who teaches English at iSchool High – The Woodlands.

iSchool High – The Woodlands Teacher Lymaris Matias

Tell Us About Yourself

I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and have been an educator for several years. As a military spouse, I have lived all over the U.S., allowing me to become a certified Spanish International Baccalaureate and AVID teacher. I joined ResponsiveEd in 2019 and teach English III and IV at iSchool High – The Woodlands. 

What inspired you to become an educator?

I wanted to become a teacher for as long as I can remember. Many of my teachers were passionate about the subjects they taught but often failed to develop strong relationships with their students. Once I became a teacher, I wanted to make learning fun and ensure my classroom was a space where all students feel safe, heard, and supported.

What are some things that your students have taught you?

My students have taught me the importance of active listening. When we genuinely listen to others,  we become more compassionate and kind. Because of my students, I have become more empathetic, realizing that everyone faces struggles and deserves to have a role model they can trust and look up to for guidance. 

What are you most proud of about your time with iSchool High – The Woodlands?

I am most proud of the relationship I have with our leadership team, and it is great knowing I can go to them for anything and that I will be heard, respected, and supported. 

What do you like most about being an educator for your campus?

I love that iSchool High – The Woodlands provides me with the creative freedom to create lessons that reflect me as a teacher and help each of my students succeed regardless of their learning style.

If you or someone you know is looking to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students, check out our Careers page.


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