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At ResponsiveEd, we are focused not only on the success of our students but on the achievements and growth of our talented educators leading the way. As we assemble the best collection of talent around to inspire and provide hope for students, we are honored to spotlight those already making a difference in the lives of our students across the district.

This week, we sat down with Debborah Cook, who teaches astronomy, environmental, and aquatic sciences at iSchool High at University Park.

Tell Us About Yourself

I was born and raised in Rocklin, California, and I have a Master’s in teacher certification and in curriculum and technology. I joined ResponsiveEd in 2019 and teach Astronomy, Environmental Systems, and Aquatic Science at iSchool High – University Park.

What inspired you to become an educator?

Throughout my time in school, several teachers inspired me to be the best person I could be. As a soccer coach, I realized I was passionate about teaching students and watching them improve and succeed over time.

What are some things that your students have taught you?

Every day is a new adventure with my students. They have taught me that patience is the key to learning and teaching. They are also always helping me look at situations from different perspectives and grow as an educator.

What are you most proud of about your time at iSchool High at University Park?

My students are the reason I come to work every day. Each group of students I have taught has been hard-working and unique, and I am honored that I have been able to play a small part in their success.

What do you like most about being an educator for your campus?

The things I like most about ResponsiveEd are the teachers, students, and administration. Our campus is like a family, and working with a group of educators who are truly passionate about helping students succeed is incredibly inspiring.

What is a memorable moment you can share from the classroom?

One year, our campus held a student art and talent show. The incredible talent our students possessed was overwhelming, and it quickly became an event that everyone looked forward to.

If you or someone you know is looking to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students, check out our Careers page.


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Marissa Martin

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