iSchool Virtual Academy student Reed Bardin
We are excited to welcome back iSchool Virtual Academy (iSVA) Communication & Relationships Manager Genavieve Meyer as a special guest contributor for this story. Genavieve plays an instrumental role in highlighting the connections and overwhelming success of the iSVA community. Here, she helps us share the story of a standout student, Reed Bardin.
New to iSVA this year, sixth-grade student Reed Bardin is experiencing academic success while achieving his rodeo goals. Reed has been competing in rodeos for three years and recently earned an impressive milestone by winning the All-Around Competition for the 10-12 age group. He also secured first place in barrel racing, pole bending, dummy roping, goat tying, and straight barrels at the Erath County Riding Club Competition (ECRC).
Looking ahead, Reed has expressed big aspirations for many more rodeo victories in the future.

Bardin wins All-Around Rodeo Competition
Rodeo requires dedication and practice, which is why his family values the flexibility offered by iSchool Virtual Academy. Reed shares that iSchool Virtual Academy has helped him “tremendously,” allowing him to complete his schoolwork early each day and giving him more time to focus on his sport. Reed says he “loves going to school with [iSVA]!”
Rodeo runs deep in the Bardin family. This past December, his mother competed in team roping in Las Vegas. The family rodeo success might soon make iSVA a family tradition with a younger sister, another rodeo competitor, hoping to join iSVA one day, too.
Congratulations on all your continued success, Reed! We are grateful to be a part of your academic journey.
iSchool Virtual Academy is a fully accredited, tuition-free online public school for students in Texas. To learn more about iSchool Virtual Academy and how they are preparing students for higher education and future careers or to apply, visit ischoolvirtual.com.