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At ResponsiveEd, we are focused not only on the success of our students but on the achievements and growth of our talented educators leading the way. As we assemble the best collection of talent around to inspire and provide hope for students, we are honored to spotlight those already making a difference in the lives of our students across the district.

This week, we sat down with Margaret Carter, who teaches fifth-grade English, language arts, and reading at Founders Classical Academy – Corinth.

Founders Classical Academy – Corinth Teacher Margaret Carter

Tell Us About Yourself

I was born and raised on Long Island, New York, and earned a Bachelor’s in Education with a minor in Psychology from Saint Joseph’s College. I joined ResponsiveEd in 2007 and teach Fifth-Grade English, Language Arts, and Reading at Founders Classical Academy – Corinth.

What inspired you to become an educator?

My First-Grade teacher, Mrs. Brown, inspired me to become an educator. I remember she was so encouraging and pushed us to do our best. I knew then that I would become a teacher one day because I wanted to be just like her. 

What are some things that your students have taught you?

My students have taught me that you do not always have to have the answer. There is a certain excitement in searching for answers and learning new things together. Lastly, they have taught me the importance of earning the respect of others before we can expect them to do the same, a lesson I implement both in and out of the classroom. 

What are you most proud of about your time with Founders Classical Academy – Corinth?

I am most proud of being one of the original faculty members at my campus. From the day it opened its doors, I have seen it grow and change into something incredible. It is great to be a part of something that has come full circle and to witness our campus’ impact on the lives of so many students.

What do you like most about being an educator for your campus?

The thing I like most about working for ResponsiveEd is the people. Everyone who works here is dedicated to making a difference in students’ lives, has unique skills and qualities, and combines them to create new growth opportunities. 

What is a memorable moment you can share from the classroom?

One of my favorite memories was when we learned how to write persuasive letters. Many students received replies from the person they wrote a letter to, including the President of the United States, the manager of a famous baseball team, and a well-known author. 

If you or someone you know is looking to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students, check out our Careers page.

Find a Founders Classical Academy campus near you to learn more about the lifelong passion for learning these campuses foster in students. For more information or to apply at Founders Classical Academy – Corinth, visit


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