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At ResponsiveEd, we are focused not only on the success of our students but on the achievements and growth of our talented educators leading the way. As we assemble the best collection of talent around to inspire and provide hope for students, we are honored to spotlight those already making a difference in the lives of our students across the district.

This week, we sat down with Adam Barton, who teaches English, language arts, and literature at Founders Classical Academy – Bastrop.

Founders Classical Academy – Bastrop Teacher Adam Barton

Tell Us About Yourself

I was born and raised in Pflugerville, Texas, and earned my degree in English from Dallas Baptist University. I joined ResponsiveEd in 2021 and teach English, Language Arts, and Literature at Founders Classical Academy – Bastrop.

What inspired you to become an educator?

I have wanted to become an educator since high school when a teacher introduced me to some great works of literature that resonated with me deeply. It was then that I realized my passion for guiding students and encouraging them to connect with their peers while reflecting on their emotions and ideas through the study of classical works.

What are some things that your students have taught you?

My students have taught me the importance of being open to different interpretations of the texts and materials discussed in class. Their influence has enabled me to continue learning and view things from new perspectives daily. 

What are you most proud of about your time with Founders Classical Academy – Bastrop?

I have been honored to teach some of my students for several years. It is incredibly rewarding to witness their progress. I am most proud of their growth and look forward to their ongoing academic success.

What do you like most about being an educator for your campus?

I love working for ResponsiveEd because of the strong sense of purpose among my colleagues. Everyone is actively striving towards the same meaningful goal, and it is so fulfilling to know that my efforts of nurturing students is time well spent. 

What is a memorable moment you can share from the classroom?

Recently, I was discussing a book chapter with one of my classes. It wasn’t long before the students took hold of the discussion and began debating and respectfully disagreeing with one another. Seeing students engage with a text and consider the implications of it on their own lives leaves a lasting impact on me. 

If you or someone you know is looking to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students, check out our Careers page.


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