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Between December 7 and January 8, parents must complete the “Intent to Re-Enroll” form or risk forfeiting their seat at the school in which they are enrolled. This begins the re-enrollment process.

  1. Before Dec. 7: Check with ResponsiveEd that your email is up-to-date. Call 844-860-9090.
  2. Dec. 7, 2015- Jan 08, 2016: Look for an email from ResponsiveEd with a link to the intent to return form.
    • Students who do not complete the intent to return form may be moved to the waitlist. The Intent to Re-enroll form is not for enrollment but to reserve a seat.
    • Estimated time of completion: 5 minutes
    • If a campus does not offer the grade your child will be entering for the 2016-2017 school year, then it will list other schools in the ResponsiveEd district they can attend. See the map with ResponsiveEd campus locations.
  3. Submit form.
    • You will receive an email confirmation of submission.
  4. Spring: Look for an email with instructions to complete the enrollment process.



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Bridget Weisenburger

Author Bridget Weisenburger

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