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Springtime at Quest Collegiate Academy – Whitewright brings an exciting new endeavor: the campus learning garden. With the spring season in full swing, students and teachers at the campus have rolled up their sleeves to plant a variety of fruits, vegetables, and flowers setting the groundwork for a bountiful harvest later this summer.

Students are hard at work in the campus garden.

But this garden is more than just rows of plants—it is a living classroom. Throughout the school year, students can step outside classrooms and take their education outdoors. Science lessons will take on a new look as students explore different soil grades, measure rainfall, and witness firsthand the cycle of life. 

Spread across the campus are twelve garden beds, inviting all students to engage with nature and deepen their understanding of the environment around them. From seed to harvest, they will actively participate in reaping the rewards of their labor twice a year.

“This new addition will teach students about more than just crops,” said Campus Director Cathy Harris. “It will provide them with additional hands-on learning opportunities and is a great way to teach them about the connection between growing crops and developing healthy lifestyle habits.”

Excitement is already budding for the future of the learning garden. Plans are underway to cultivate a butterfly garden, providing even more opportunities to observe and interact with nature and learn about their environment.

As the seasons change and the garden evolves, so will the knowledge and curiosity of the students who tend to it. The Learning Garden at Quest Collegiate Academy – Whitewright is more than just a patch of earth, it’s a testament to the power of experiential learning and the beauty of growth in all its forms.

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Marissa Martin

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