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ResponsiveEd’s Director of English Language Arts and Reading Joy Morris and Director of K-12 History  John Heitzenrater co-presented at the Texas Charter School Association Fall Conference. The title of their session was We’re Gonna Plymouth Rock your World—Content Literacy in Action. They presented the intricacies of combining literacy strategies and best practices into robust content instruction across all of the disciplines, especially in history instruction. Morris spoke about the importance of integrating content, choosing the right sources in classroom settings, and setting daily goals that are challenging but realistic.

Heitzenrater spoke on the history and integrating it with literature. He discussed the importance of focusing on content, specific eras, themes, and periods, as well as specific examples of literature. He reminded attendees that literature can often make vivid, those ideas and images which are obscure in history texts and is a tool that can and should be used in all classrooms and at all grade levels.


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Bridget Weisenburger

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