While college is often considered an exciting time, it can also be overwhelming for many incoming students. The ResponsiveEd Alumni Network takes pride in helping make this transition as seamless as possible for the graduates of the ResponsiveEd family of schools by connecting them to the things that matter most.
Throughout the year, the ResponsiveEd Alumni Network works to bridge the gap between current students and alumni by cultivating those relationships and creating a loyal and supportive community.
Currently, the ResponsiveEd family of schools has over 24,000 alumni, with graduates matriculated to colleges and universities across the country. As members of the ResponsiveEd Alumni Network, graduates have access to several resources, including an Alumni Newsletter, help with transcript requests and a regional counselor.
The Network consists of eight regional counselors who travel to campuses across Texas to meet with high school seniors and assist them with everything from college and university admissions, military connections, career and workforce information, and navigating college life even after graduation. “Our counselors are dedicated to the excellence and success of our students,” said Alumni Coordinator Rolie Casanova. “The help does not stop when they walk across the stage.”
See the interactive map below for a look at our ResponsiveEd Alumni Footprint.
For more information about how to stay connected with the Alumni Community or to find your regional counselor, visit responsiveed.com/alumni.