Aaron Assiter (C) Pictured with PHS-Lubbock Campus Director Rod Saldana (R) and teacher Eric Keith (L)
From the moment Aaron Assiter walked through the doors of Premier High School – Lubbock, he knew it was where he wanted to be. Aaron, like many students, struggled to find a school with a flexible schedule and a caring staff whose goal was to help each student find personal and academic success. At Premier High School – Lubbock, Aaron was attending classes while working to become a licensed electrician – until the unthinkable happened.
In the early morning hours of August 25, 2020, just days after his 18th birthday, Aaron was admittedly hanging out with the wrong crowd when he was shot in the neck by four individuals trying to rob him. Miraculously, Aaron was able to call 911, and first responders were able to save his life, but the bullet had severed his spinal cord leaving him paralyzed from the chest down.
Aaron’s road to recovery started with months of surgeries and intensive physical rehabilitation. Though unable to attend classes due to his injuries, Aaron remained a member of the Premier High School – Lubbock family. Aaron’s mother, Melissa Nye, maintains that the ongoing support that Aaron felt from the Premier High School community contributed to her son’s recovery.
“From day one, Mr. Saldana, the campus director, and the entire school have supported Aaron,” said Nye. “Mr. Saldana took time to visit Aaron in the hospital and was able to build a strong support system for him outside of the classroom which really lifted his spirits,” she added.
Though his accident has presented him with new challenges, Aaron says it helped him discover a new passion he would not have found otherwise. Throughout his recovery, he has taken an interest in learning about the financial services industry. With the help of Premier High School’s flexible schedule and individualized approach, Aaron recently completed a five-month general securities certification program while keeping up with his schoolwork at an appropriate pace. This certification gives Aaron the ability to sell and trade stocks and other types of financial securities.
After months of hard work and perseverance, and with the support of his family and teachers, Aaron completed his coursework at Premier High School – Lubbock. The newest member of the class of 2022 plans to continue his education in the investment and trading industry. In addition, Aaron will continue to use his experience as a platform to help young people choose a more productive path.
To learn more about Premier High School – Lubbock, please visit PremierHighSchools.com/Lubbock.