Homecoming is an American school tradition. The annual festivities first began in the early 1900s at colleges and universities when the invitation went out for graduates to “come home” once again to attend a sporting event or other campus festival. Other activities that demonstrate school spirit were quickly added – parades, spirit rallies, and bonfires, to name a few. High schools across the nation soon followed suit and created their own versions of homecoming.

Student fans cheer on the FCA Lewisville football team.
Today, however, most high school students are not aware of the roots or meaning of this important school tradition and they rarely think beyond the excitement of the homecoming dance or anticipation of who will be announced as king and queen. Rarely do they think about how the alumni are “coming home” and why they should be welcomed back, but there are several great reasons to return to the original concept of homecoming. Here are a few:
- It’s important in life to remember and pay tribute to the past. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. Not only should school administrators and teachers be saying, “Welcome back alumni” — the students should be joining in the chorus and honoring those who paved the way for them.
- What better way to bring the generations together than through a shared experience? Homecoming celebrations can bridge classes and even generations, unifying them in school pride and cohesive identity. You’ll never know when a recent graduate can be an encouragement to a current student or the energy of the current student can be an inspiration to a graduate.
- Homecoming is all about memories, isn’t it? Reliving past memories and creating new ones. That’s important because memories enrich our lives.
Recently, Founders Classical Academy of Lewisville held its homecoming celebration, complete with a spirit week, pep rally, and football game. The school proudly invited its alumni back to be recognized at halftime of the football game. “Homecoming is the culmination of our Spirit Week. All of the events throughout the festive week help to build esprit de corps in our school community,” according to Jason Caros, headmaster of FCA Lewisville. “When our alumni come back to visit, it is like family returning home during a holiday after a long absence. We are proud of our alumni and love to welcome them back and hear about their experiences since graduation.”
Homecoming is a tradition.
Traditions are consistent things in an inconsistent world — and we look forward to them.
To see all of the great homecoming activities at FCA Lewisville visit the campus Facebook page.

Class of 2015 Alumni

Class of 2016 Alumni

Class of 2017 Alumni

The Founders Classical Academy of Lewisville Class of 2018 returns for the Homecoming Football Game.
EAGLE TERRITORY! #FCAhomecomingPepRally
Posted by Founders Classical Academy of Lewisville on Friday, October 19, 2018