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Premier High School – Del Rio (Class of 2017)

Benjamin is currently attending Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas while majoring in Biomedical Science. Although he hopes to become a doctor one day, he is happy to be involved in research with a professor and volunteering in the Stephenville community.

Students often have different reasons for attending Premier High School. “The thing I liked best about my Premier experience is how it was self-paced and if I wanted to advance in my school work I had the freedom to do so,” says Benjamin. “I didn’t have to wait for the pace of the classes to catch up to where I wanted to be.”

Benjamin says that he was better prepared to go to college thanks to Ms. Ramon, his first-year English teacher. He says, “She helped me learn how to properly write and encouraged me to ambitiously pursue whatever I wanted in my academic career.”

A quote from The Red Pyramid, written by Rick Riordan, inspires Benjamin to continue to pursue his dreams. “Fairness does not mean that everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need. And the only way to get what you need is to make it happen yourself.”

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Ariana Smith

Author Ariana Smith

ResponsiveEd Communications Coordinator,

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